When I was a little girl I remember watching every single day, alone, because my mom and my dad worked, my biger sisters went at school, an my cousin Luis was older than me and didn't like children shows ."Backyardigans", it was so important to me, I loved that program, my mom let me watching it, because there was only two chapters for day I think, so it doesn't was so much.

The name Backyardigans means literally the plot of the entire show, a group of friends who had  imaginary aventures in they backyard, I just realize hahaha. The group was composed by Uniqua, Tyron a moose, Pablo a penguin, Sasha a hippopotamus, and Austin a kangaroo, until today I couldn't be able to know what Uniqua was, it looks like an ant, but I believe she was unique, so her name was for that reason, (it was also my favourite character, with Pablo)

They had a looot of adventures, it was so funny, because just like I said, they adventures were just imaginary, and I loved that their could be in they backyard but literally, in their minds where in Africa, or Egipt, and in any other country they want; I think they helped the children  to open their minds, and thats a really good thing, because today the technology is like "controlling" their minds.


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