Of course I'm going to vote in the next presitencial election, I consider myself a person with a political run, I like to see the problems in my country (and around the world) and try to search a solution for it, I care for the people, I like the order and not corruption, I am a very critical person in terms of politics.

My opinion of the electoral campaings, is that they have to be real, I mean, the candidates don't have to lie for win, it's like, if I lie to be hired in a job, like I don't know, I say that I know how to speak in French, but I really don't know how to do it, it would be a mess, the same with the candidates if they lie about what they're going to do in their government.

I think that a candidate for any public charge should be capable to see beyond his/her privileges, because, literally they are working for us, they have to make sure that they are seeing the necesities the people they're governing have, if an individualist person rule I don't think it would be apt for the work.

When I was a kid I wanted to be president, now that I grew up I haven't given up on the idea, but I wouldn't try to be a president, the most higher charge I would try will be minister, because I think that the minstries should be directed by a person that works in the same area, I mean, I think that the minister of education should be a teacher, and not a lawyer, because they know more in deep the deficiencies and it's closer to the problems in the education.

I remember that in the last mayor elections, there was a candidate that was giving food boxes, I think that is populism, because it's a way for "buy" votes, I think that giving food to anyone that asks for it instead someone that really needs it, like the people thet are living in the streets, or in shanty houses, is a way to make sure a win. That man was already the mayor of Peñaflor, he always did the same thing, believing that giving anything solved all the problems, but I personally think that he was seeing just the "top of the iceberg" without getting to the bottom of the problems.

It's for this and other reasons that I think it's important to vote, and not stay in our houses on the election day, we can change part of the country with only a piece paper and a pen.


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